Survival Guide for New Grad Students
For incoming and current graduate students there exists a wealth of information through the various departments on campus. The goal of this guide is to consolidate all of that information in one place. If you feel that our guide is missing some information, please let us know (
Information for New Graduate Students:
If you have an assitantship, you must:
- Funding must be approved.
- For TAs: Student Accounts (Fidel 231) signs for the business office
- For RAs: The business office signs, depending of the source of your funding
- Sign your contract at the Center for Graduate Students (Fidel 284)
- Take a copy to the Registrar to be approved for in-state tuition and validated
- New Students must obtain an I-9 form
- US citizens and permanent residents receive their form from the budget and analysis office (Brown Hall)
- International Students receive their form from student accounts (Fidel 284)
- As a graduate student, you are allowed to set up a Graduate Deferred Payment plan. These plans pay your semester tuition in individual installments throughout the semester. To set up a GDP, go to student accounts (Fidel 284).
All full-time graduate students are required to have health insurance. You can have your own policy through your parents, or apply for health care through the New Mexico marketplace.
Keys can be obtained through your department. You must fill out a form with your department secretary, pay a $5/key deposit (at the Cashier’s Office, 2nd floor Fidel), and then you may get your keys from Key Control (1st floor Fidel).
ID cards may be obtained at the Registrar’s Office (2nd floor Fidel).
A Campus Mail Box is included in your student fees. You can get a box at the Post
Office window (1st floor Fidel).
For even more information, refer to the New Graduate Student Survival Page.
There are a number of other resources available to you:
Writing Center: provides writing guidance on papers for class, papers for publications,
or general writing skills.
Oral Presentation Center: provides assistance with presentations in the brainstorming,
drafting, or final draft stages.
Health Center: offers physical examinations, vaccinations, etc.
Additional information can be found at Policies/Graduate Studies and Tax Information.